This course enhances language skills and confidence in using Japanese in everyday situations through LinguaLink. Participants will gain foundational grammar and vocabulary, improve listening and speaking skills, and explore Japanese culture and customs for a deeper understanding of the language.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Japanese & Hiragana
In this lesson, we will begin our exploration with Hiragana, which is essential for beginners who are learning the Japanese writing system.
In this lesson, we will begin our exploration with Hiragana, which is essential for beginners who are learning the Japanese writing system.
Lesson 2: Hiragana Dakuten & Handakuten
In this lesson, we will begin our exploration with Hiragana’s Dakuten & Handakuten, to modify Hiraganga’s sounds and expand vocabulary.
In this lesson, we will begin our exploration with Hiragana’s Dakuten & Handakuten, to modify Hiraganga’s sounds and expand vocabulary.
Lesson 3: Japanese & Katakana
Katakana is one of the three main Japanese writing systems, mainly for transcribing foreign words and names. It has 46 basic characters and variations for sounds not in Japanese.
Katakana is one of the three main Japanese writing systems, mainly for transcribing foreign words and names. It has 46 basic characters and variations for sounds not in Japanese.
Lesson 4: Katakana Dakuten & Handakuten
This lesson introduces dakuten (゛) and handakuten (゜) in katakana.
This lesson introduces dakuten (゛) and handakuten (゜) in katakana.
Lesson 5: Hiragana Small Characters
This lesson introduces the small hiragana characters and their special uses.
This lesson introduces the small hiragana characters and their special uses.
Lesson 6: Katakana Small Characters
In this lesson, we will review the small katakana characters (ァ, ィ, ゥ, ェ, ォ, ッ, ャ, ュ, ョ), their uses, and related vocabulary.
In this lesson, we will review the small katakana characters (ァ, ィ, ゥ, ェ, ォ, ッ, ャ, ュ, ョ), their uses, and related vocabulary.
In this lesson, we’ll focus on long vowels in hiragana.
In this lesson, we’ll focus on long vowels in Katakana.
In this lesson, we’ll focus on は (wa), the topic marker in Japanese.
This lesson focuses on が, the subject marker in Japanese.
This lesson focuses on の, the possessive particle in Japanese.
Lesson 4: Particle - を
In this lesson, we will focus on the particle を (o), which is used to mark the direct object of a sentence.
In this lesson, we will focus on the particle を (o), which is used to mark the direct object of a sentence.
Lesson 5: Particle - に
In this lesson, we will learn how to use the particle に (ni), which is essential for indicating time, destinations, and locations.
In this lesson, we will learn how to use the particle に (ni), which is essential for indicating time, destinations, and locations.
Lesson 6: Particle - で
In this lesson, we will learn about the particle で (de), which is used to indicate the location of an action, the means of doing something, and the materials/tools used.
In this lesson, we will learn about the particle で (de), which is used to indicate the location of an action, the means of doing something, and the materials/tools used.
Lesson 1: Introducing Yourself and Meeting Someone New
In this lesson, you will have the opportunity to effectively introduce yourself. You will learn how to start a conversation when meeting someone new.
In this lesson, you will have the opportunity to effectively introduce yourself. You will learn how to start a conversation when meeting someone new.
Lesson 2: Family
In this lesson, we will be learning about numbers and their various applications in everyday life.
In this lesson, we will be learning about numbers and their various applications in everyday life.
Lesson 3: Numbers
In this lesson, you will be actively engaging and playing with various numbers and their interesting properties.
In this lesson, you will be actively engaging and playing with various numbers and their interesting properties.
In this lesson, you will be learning about various colors and their significance.
Lesson 5: Time
In this lesson, you will be learning about the concept of time and its various aspects.
In this lesson, you will be learning about the concept of time and its various aspects.
In this lesson, you will be learning about describing daily activities.
Lesson 7: Describing People
In this lesson, you will be learning about describing people with adjectives.
In this lesson, you will be learning about describing people with adjectives.
Learning never ends
Don’t give up after just a few enthusiastic days of learning; remember that continued learning significantly expands your knowledge and understanding over time. Embrace the journey of education, as persistence is key to mastering new concepts and skills.